With time we are getting more and more dependent on junk foods, and other snacks that have heavy sugar in them. Even though they provide us a sense of fulfillment and happiness, they are not good for our health. They increase the fat in our bodies, and as a result, our bodies get out of shape. So, it is really important to lose all the body fat you are gaining from junk foods and other stuff if you want to keep your body in proper shape.

The fat in our body can increase for many different reasons. But having extra fat in the body is not really healthy, as it can cause many health-related problems, and create obstacles in your way of life. Also, you might want to lose the extra fat for looking more fit. In order to lose fat, you can go for many different measures such as carving up your diet or going through intense workout sessions. You can also take different supplements that can help you to burn your fat. But in this article, we will talk about a completely unconventional way you can lose your body fat, which is by going through light therapy.
What Is Light Therapy
Light therapy is one of the most revolutionary types of therapy that can help you with many different issues. Due to its usefulness regarding many different problems, light therapy has gained immense popularity in recent times. You can easily take this therapy by using a light therapy device at your home. You will just have to expose your body to the light and keep at it for quite some time on a regular basis. And after doing that for a certain amount of time, you will be able to get your expected results.
In this therapy, the light of a certain wavelength and color will penetrate your skin, and even muscles and bones to generate different hormones and chemical reactions on a cellular level. It works with any related issue in this matter. Light therapy can help a person with many things such as losing weight, muscle building, pains, injuries, skin problems, hair loss problems, sleeping disorders, mental health problems, etc. It can also provide an energy boost. But most importantly, it can help you to lose your body fat.
What Studies Say
A study was conducted where 64 women between the ages of 20 and 40 years worked as volunteers, who were obese. These women were randomly assigned to two groups. One of the groups was the Exercise Training and Sham light group while the other group was the Exercise training group with Photobiomodulation.
This study used laser light of 808 nm wavelength. It is important to know that we can get the same results with LED lights of the right wavelength and strength, according to experts. In a lot of the studies that were conducted on the matter, LED lights performed just as well as laser light with lower levels. LED lights are a much cheaper alternative and are more available in the markets.
The participants were given light therapy after each exercise session. The study took place over a period of 20 weeks. The research participants had to exercise three times a week during that time. Both sessions included resistance training and aerobic training as well.
The results were surprisingly clear after the 20 weeks were over. The second group that was given Photobiomodulation in addition to their exercise routines had lost about double the fat than the other group. The group that was given photobiomodulation lost about twenty-five pounds of fat, and which is really impressive since the group with the sham light therapy only lost about twelve pounds of fat. The photobiomodulation group also noticed an increase in their muscle mass while the group with the sham light therapy noticed a drop in their muscle mass. As said earlier, light therapy can also help with muscle building.
This study proves clearly that light therapy when combined with the right kind of exercise can really help you lose weight and fat. And when you lose fat you lose it throughout the body and not just in a single spot. So, light therapy can really help you lose body fat.
How Photobiomodulation Helps With Fat Loss
It is clear from the mentioned study that Red Light Therapy helps us to lose fat when it is in conjunction with exercise. But to answer the question of how exactly light therapy manages to get these results, it might be possible that the red light causes the fat cells to get rid of their fatty lipids into the bloodstream, and once it is in the bloodstream, these fatty lipids can be burned off or they can be excreted, it is gotten rid off of the body. Also, it might explain why this exercise is so effective because some of the lipids that are in the bloodstream get utilized for energy when the participants exercise. However, light therapy doesn’t affect the lipid volume directly.
Final Words
From the discussion, you can guess that light therapy directly doesn’t help with it, instead, it enhances the result if it gets featured with other measures you are taking to get rid of body fat. It is a really safe method, and you can easily take it at home to get the best possible result from your carved-up diets and exercises.
Wow, this is something new I’m reading about. light therapy, this is the first time I’m reading about it. this therapy seems useful. I knew that light is necessary for our body but using light in such a sense is progress for humanity.