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Posts Tagged ‘mental preparation’

Why Mental Training Matters For Marathon Preparation

Why Mental Training Matters For Marathon Preparation

If you’re considering taking part in your first marathon or if you’re starting preparations for your next adventure of such kind, you will have to follow a certain routine to build upon your strength, endurance, and performance. Most preparation plans will take from 16 to 20 weeks, and they consist of running several times a week, gradually increasing your mileage, adding some extra cross-fit training, and proper pre-race tapers.  Such training plans, which you can easily find online, tend to focus on your mileage and getting your legs and muscles ready to handle such a physical challenge. Yet, there […]

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Focusing Through Environmental Stressors: Part Two

Part two: You Are What You Think Have you ever heard the saying: “You are what you say you are?” This is the idea that you become what you believe by attracting what you think? For a more clinical explanation search: “Self-fulfilling prophecy” and the “Law of Attraction”. Anyway, back to the idea that you are what you think. According to this in order to be successful you must see yourself as successful, need that be believing you will get that promotion, hit that ball out of the park, drive that hole in one, or find your soul mate. […]

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Why Sport Psychology Deserves More Respect

Why Sport Psychology Deserves More Respect

I’m coming to the end of what has turned out to be a three-week international tour of sport psychology. During my trips, I have worked with athletes and coaches from the U.S., Australia, Sweden, Switzerland, and Russia in Argentina, California, Oregon, and Switzerland. One question that has emerged during my travels involves the role of mental preparation in athletic development. But before I get to that question, let me provide some back story. Whenever I speak to athletes and coaches, I ask them how important the mind is to sport success. With few exceptions, the response is that the […]

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Pre-Game Routines in Sports

People often think they have a routine, but it’s not always the case. Common questions regarding routines are: What’s the difference between a routine and a superstition? What should I be thinking? How do I know it’s not a superstition? What behaviours or actions should I be doing? Will it really help me perform better? Hopefully the following article will help explain these and any other questions around pre-performance routines. A pre-performance routine is defined as ‘Sequence of task relevant thoughts and actions which an athlete engages in systematically prior to his or her performance of a specific sport […]

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Five Tips for Mental Preparation

Most of what athletes and teams do prior to competition (practice, workouts, analyzing the competition or course) prepares them to compete. Mental preparation helps athletes achieve a focused, confident and trusting mindset to help them compete at their highest level. Below are five major objectives you‘ll want to accomplish to help you mentally prepare for competition. Have confidence in your skills. Confidence is the number one objective of your mental preparation. Confidence can be built in many ways, including from practice, preparation, game plans and the mindsets you maintain. To build confidence prior to competition visualize yourself performing successfully, […]

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Mental Preparation in Sports

Mental preparation is a very broad topic within the arena of sports psychology. The purpose of mental preparation is to create a mindset that lets you consistently perform up to your capabilities and talents in competition. Mental preparation includes two pain components. The first component begins days (or even weeks) before competition and includes learning the strategies that instill greater mental toughness. For example athletes should begin working on their focus, confidence, composure and other important mental game strategies. The second component of mental preparation is applying specific pregame routines that help you perform at your best. These routines […]

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How Stephen Strasburg Gets Into A Rhythm

Baseball players like to get into a certain rhythm. Pitchers and batters alike go through a routine to get into that rhythm to help them reach peak performance. Washington National’s pitching phenom, Stephen Strasburg, prefers to feel a good rhythm on the mound. “I like to keep the same tempo throughout the game. When I get out of rhythm, or speed up a little, it affects my focus. I just got to remember to stick to my routine before each pitch. This helps me keep the same rhythm and focus no matter what happens,” said Strasburg. Why is it […]

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Anticipating the Unexpected in Sports: Part 1

In game 1 of the American League Championship Series, the Texas Rangers broke out to a 5-0 lead over the New York Yankees. After six straight shutout innings the Yankees looked as if they were ready to throw in the towel. “They’re pitcher was rolling, but the last six, nine outs are the toughest to get. We know one pitch to another can change the momentum of the game,” said Former Texas Ranger, Alex Rodriguez. “We always say we have 27 outs,” said Robinson Cano, who had three hits and two RBI for the Yankees. “Until they get the […]

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