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Posts Tagged ‘Goals’

Four Goals to Enhance Your Performance

There are four different types of goals you should set for your performance. The first are your long-term or dream goals. These are the driving force behind playing a sport; every other goal supports this dream goal. What do you want to accomplish in the next two to three years? Write down your long-term goal or “dream goal” for your sport. A long-term goal is what you want to ultimately achieve in your sport. It may be something like, “Make my high school soccer team,” or “Play on Coach Bill’s traveling team in middle school.” Next, you should set […]

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Goal Setting and Self-Motivation

What is self-motivation?  Athletes who are self-motivated take part in sports for the pure enjoyment of it.  They do not need rewards to participate.  To succeed in your sport, it’s important that you love to play or perform. It’s not a good idea to take part in sports because you want to make others happy–your parents, coaches or peers, for example. When you have a real passion for the game, you’ll have more staying power and feel more committed to sports over time. Dan Coyle, author of the book, “The Talent Code: Greatness isn’t born. It’s Grown,” says passion […]

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Goal Setting for Sports

Goal setting helps athletes commit to the goals and objectives they have for their sport. Professional baseball players like Chase Utley, Derrick Jeter, and Tom Brady have reached the top of their game by setting, evaluating, and reformulating goals throughout their career. Things to consider when setting goals: Goal should identify a specific action or event that will take place. Goal and its benefits should be quantifiable. Goal should be attainable given available resources. Goal should require you to stretch some, but allow the likelihood of success. Goal should state the time period in which it will be accomplished. […]

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