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Posts Tagged ‘bully coaches’

A Campaign Against Bully Coaching

In response to the comments and concerns shared by our readers we are launching a campaign against bully coaching and bullying in sports. To the overwhelming number of athletes and parents in dire need of assistance, you are not alone. As professionals and members of the sports community it is our responsibility to protect the youth sports experience and the universal privileges of participating in youth sports. This movement is long overdue. When the system fails our youth due to bush league politics everyone loses. Members of the youth sports community and education system who jeopardize the well-being of […]

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Bullying or Honesty – A Coach’s Perspective

The following article is a High School Basketball Coach’s perspective on Bully Coaching, in response to the example presented in “How Bully Coaching Affects Athletes.” Dear Dr. Edger, I do not think the story of the high school quarterback is considered bullying. I understand your argument and what the quarterback might be going through. However, if a coach has time to yell or criticize a player, he cares about the player’s performance, and has high expectations. I think most people would rather have a coach that has high expectations for their players than mediocre expectations. I believe it is the coach’s job […]

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How Bully Coaching Affects Athletes

Below is a quote from one of our athletes who is a 16 year-old high school quarterback who loved football and had the potential to start as a freshman — until the coach destroyed his mental game… “Going into high school I was a standout athlete with high confidence but after my freshman year I started to lose interest. It just wasn’t fun anymore. I hated practice because I was always worrying about messing up and being embarrassed by the coach. In games I worried about what he would do or say if I made a mistake so I […]

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