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Posts Tagged ‘Boxing’

Three Keys to Success in Sports

Three (must have) keys to success in sports are good instruction, practice and repetition, and most importantly – trust in your skills. Many people have a false assumption about learning a new technique such as throwing over the top, or staying on-top of the ball. Some coaches think that once they teach athletes a new technique the athlete should be able to apply it right away. Likewise, some athletes believe that they should be able to make adjustments in their game, and have it pay off right away. Change doesn’t happen overnight. When you expect change to happen overnight […]

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High Confidence Leads to Success

Confidence is key to success in sports and the number one asset that separates great athletes from the rest of the pack. Athletes cannot reach their true athletic potential without massive amounts of confidence in their talent and abilities. In sports confidence is defined as one’s belief in their ability to execute a task or win an event. It’s a mindset that says, “I can do this,” but it is based on tangible things such as your past success in sports. Most athletes will tell you that confidence comes from past success, playing well or positive experiences in their […]

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