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Posts Tagged ‘Bad Coaching’

Taking Action Against Bully Coaches

Young athletes are bullied by coaches as well as peers, which is unacceptable in youth sports. Have your sports kids ever had a coach who yelled at, insulted or intimidated them? If so, you need to take action. We’ve got some tips—and warnings—for you about what we call “bully coaches.” Bully coaches target all kinds of young athletes. They can set their sights on kids who are overweight, small or who lack confidence, for instance. These coaches also target gifted athletes because they believe their approach will “toughen up” their athletes. Whether your athletes are underdogs or stars, your […]

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How Bully Coaching Affects Athletes

Below is a quote from one of our athletes who is a 16 year-old high school quarterback who loved football and had the potential to start as a freshman — until the coach destroyed his mental game… “Going into high school I was a standout athlete with high confidence but after my freshman year I started to lose interest. It just wasn’t fun anymore. I hated practice because I was always worrying about messing up and being embarrassed by the coach. In games I worried about what he would do or say if I made a mistake so I […]

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Look Out for Bully Coaches

As a sports parent it’s your job to ensure your child is in good hands. First of all, our warning. Coaches who teach by being negative or intimidating can really hurt your kids’ confidence and enjoyment of sports. No, these coaches do NOT toughen up your young athletes, as they might insist. They don’t improve kids’ performance, either. Bully coaches often tease, yell at, humiliate and intimidate kids. Parents should never under-estimate the importance of coaches in their kids lives. Coaches can boost or undermine kids’ confidence and self-esteem. Coaches who bully—either with harsh words or physical harm—can hurt […]

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