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Archive for the ‘Guest Author’ Category

5 Tips for Choosing the Right Supplements for Your Fitness Lifestyle

5 Tips for Choosing the Right Supplements for Your Fitness Lifestyle

Leading a fitness lifestyle, whether you’re a professional or an amateur athlete, can be extremely taxing on your body and your mind. Yes, exercise is healthy and good for you, but if you don’t invest in proper fatigue management, recovery, and nutrition, you might end up injuring yourself or you might lose the willpower to carry on. After all, a bruised and battered body is in high need of proper rest and recovery on a daily basis if you are to grow and achieve better results.  One of the more important pillars of a healthy fitness lifestyle is supplementation. […]

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A Beginner’s Guide to Wilderness and Backcountry Hiking Prep

A Beginner’s Guide to Wilderness and Backcountry Hiking Prep

Relaxing sights, fresh air, and a workout that can put all other workouts to shame – hiking is a uniquely beneficial activity for any athlete. Not only does this physical activity help you build muscles, control your weight, and improve your heart health, it can also boost your mood.  Enjoying the sun and the nature around you can feel downright meditative and athletes will find hiking particularly beneficial because it can improve their performance in the long run.  However, as good as hiking is for us, it’s not really something you can just get up and do after a […]

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7 Tips to Safely Relocate Your Home Gym Equipment

7 Tips to Safely Relocate Your Home Gym Equipment

If you’ve been thinking about moving to another state and taking your home gym equipment with you, then you’ve got some tips to learn. Handling heavy equipment isn’t simple and it might even cause some damage if not handled properly. This applies to all equipment, even if it’s just a yoga mat and dumbbells.  Read on to find out how to successfully move your home gym to another state. 1. Clean Everything You Pack, Including Gym Equipment If you decided to do the packing by yourself, you’re probably already cleaning everything before placing it into boxes. The same should […]

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5 Tips to Maximize Your Macronutrient Intake and Why Macros are so Important

5 Tips to Maximize Your Macronutrient Intake and Why Macros are so Important

Staying consistent with a healthy diet plan might seem like a difficult task nowadays, but it’s not impossible if you take a strategic approach to nutrition. Whether you’re an athlete trying to maximize your performance in training or if you simply want to tone your body and feel energized, there’s no denying that healthy eating is the way to achieve your goals. That said, you can’t just wing it when it comes to healthy eating, because you have to be mindful of your macronutrient intake if you want to reach your target weight and get your weight loss motivation. […]

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5 Water Sports that Get You Total-Body Toned while Having Fun

5 Water Sports that Get You Total-Body Toned while Having Fun

In preparation for the hot summer months, you might want to start thinking of all the wonderful water activities that you can do. Water sports are not only fun and exciting, but they also help you burn fat quickly, train your cardiovascular endurance, and even build lean muscle. Of course, the level of cardiovascular recruitment and muscle activation will depend on the type of water sport you choose, but rest assured that the majority of these activities make for amazing total-body workouts. From kayaking and surfing, all the way to traditional swimming or scuba diving, there are plenty of […]

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5 Ways the Pandemic Turns the Focus on Health and Well-Being

5 Ways the Pandemic Turns the Focus on Health and Well-Being

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the modern lifestyle, and nowadays millions of people around the world are spending the majority of their time cooped-up indoors. While it is important to maintain social distancing and avoid contact with others, it’s also important to maintain some form of physical activity in order to prevent back pain from sitting down all the time, stay strong and energized, and just be healthier overall. It’s also important to stay physically active in order to activate your immune system and minimize your chances of the virus wreaking havoc on your body should you get […]

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Tips to Activate Your Immune System and Its Importance in Battling Serious Illnesses

Professional and recreational athletes should know and understand the importance of immune system strength in their overall health, performance, and even in battling serous health conditions. The immune system is your body’s natural defense mechanism that identifies various viral, bacterial, and foreign body threats to try and eliminate them by terminating rogue cells, viruses, and any bad bacteria in your body. When it’s functioning optimally, your immune response can quickly prevent inflammation from spreading or escalating, but when your immune system is weakened, you can experience severe symptoms and take longer to recover. While there is no denying that […]

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How Exercise Boosts Mood and Energy

How Exercise Boosts Mood and Energy

The last thing you think about after a hard workday is probably exercising. However, although it sounds contradictory, regular workouts are proven to boost energy and mood levels. So, this can be your first line of defense against stress and lack of energy. And, here is how it all works. The science behind it Exercising affects many chemical processes in our body making us feel positive, happy and energized. Firstly, it boosts levels of endorphins in our body. Those are the hormones that make us move, and make us perform, and be active. Research shows that exercise also helps […]

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Sports Psychology: How Athletes Behave and What Can You Learn From Them

Sports Psychology: How Athletes Behave and What Can You Learn From Them

In general, we see many high-performance athletes do things right. Let’s see why. For example, Michael Phelps, the most successful swimmer of all time. Usain Bolt, equally important and winner of medals in 100 or 200 meters. These athletes always seem to get their way, both physiologically and psychologically. Other cases such as NFL players who have other pressure, but also overcome. It should be noted that these athletes take different attitudes, perhaps in contrast to each other, before a competition. Phelps, for example, can be seen sitting, serene and listening to music before swimming. While we see Bolt […]

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5 Ways Physical Activity Boosts Your Mental Health

5 Ways Physical Activity Boosts Your Mental Health

  ‘Exercise is good for you,’ a choir of adult voices hammered it in throughout your lifetime. But it is almost as if everyone expects you to take this as a given. Sure enough, it is not hard to dig up a plethora of articles and studies that explain how physical exercise improves your health, but there are also at least 5 ways it boosts your mental health too. 1. Energy requires energy You’ll rarely see happy people constantly stuck inside their home, comfortably clutching their couch pillows. If you were to take a more philosophical stance and throw […]

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