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Archive for October 2014

Focusing Through Environmental Stressors: Part Two

Part two: You Are What You Think Have you ever heard the saying: “You are what you say you are?” This is the idea that you become what you believe by attracting what you think? For a more clinical explanation search: “Self-fulfilling prophecy” and the “Law of Attraction”. Anyway, back to the idea that you are what you think. According to this in order to be successful you must see yourself as successful, need that be believing you will get that promotion, hit that ball out of the park, drive that hole in one, or find your soul mate. […]

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The Playing Zone: Space And Time

The concept of the playing zone is very simple to grasp, essentially it’s a room inside the mind, but the question is this, what does this room thrive on? Essentially its space and time and the more space and time the zone has, the better it works. The playing zone loves simplicity and it works best with less and this is why focusing on a few key skills and doing them well becomes very important to the process. Don’t get me wrong, one must up skill to become better, though the reason one up skills is that it makes […]

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Why Sport Psychology Deserves More Respect

Why Sport Psychology Deserves More Respect

I’m coming to the end of what has turned out to be a three-week international tour of sport psychology. During my trips, I have worked with athletes and coaches from the U.S., Australia, Sweden, Switzerland, and Russia in Argentina, California, Oregon, and Switzerland. One question that has emerged during my travels involves the role of mental preparation in athletic development. But before I get to that question, let me provide some back story. Whenever I speak to athletes and coaches, I ask them how important the mind is to sport success. With few exceptions, the response is that the […]

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Sports Psychology Article Submissions

Mental Edge Athletics is now accepting article submissions from athletes, parents, coaches, students, and professionals for publication on Sport Psychology Today.  Articles are to focus on an area of expertise (sports parent, athlete, coach, professional interests) relating to sport psychology and the mental game.  Upon publication articles will be categorized under the authors’ area of expertise. Every article will be published with the authors name and contact information (optional). Each month one article selected will be highlighted and featured in the Article Showcase where authors have the opportunity to list a profile for reference, and work with Mental Edge […]

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Feedback in Athletic Coaching – Part 2

Feedback in Athletic Coaching: Is Educating Coaches the Missing Link? Researchers have identified several other feedback techniques as useful in coaching. Carol Dweck is a proponent of effort feedback. Effort feedback involves teaching individuals to attribute their failures or lack of success to low effort. This type of feedback also allows the coach to make an association between working hard and success. The result is often more effort. The connections being made in effort feedback can increase motivation, self-efficacy, and proficiency (Schunk, 2003). “Spotlighting Strengths” or noticing athletes’ strengths that they or the team take for granted is an […]

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Sports Parents Make Calculated Risk Decisions

It’s intriguing that my children are not only allowed, but encouraged to climb trees, while other children I know are forbidden to climb trees. I’ve asked parents why they don’t let their children climb trees. They’ve told me they are afraid their children will get hurt. You have to understand, when I’m talking about trees, I’m talking about small trees in our neighborhood with adult supervision. I’m not talking about 80 foot trees in wooded areas were there’s no supervisions. My children have been encouraged to take calculated risks that are physical in nature. They have spent their childhood […]

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Feedback in Athletic Coaching – Part 1

Feedback in Athletic Coaching: Is Educating Coaches the Missing Link? There is extensive research in the area of feedback in athletics that is of tremendous practical value to coaches.  However, coaches are not being educated in the theories of feedback nor are they implementing skills that have been discovered by researchers, psychologists, and sports scientists.  In the business world, research and development laboratories pass on this knowledge to professionals to further their companies.  In the world of athletics, qualified sports psychologists and fellow coaches qualified in the area of feedback must pass on this knowledge by presenting research and […]

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Fight the Fear of Failure in Sports

Fear: False Evidence Appearing Real. Each and every athlete experiences some kind of fear or anxiety on some level. Sports psychology for basketball establishes methods to not only diminish the effect that fear limits a player’s ability, but also utilizes that fear in a positive way to strengthen mental toughness. As a player gains the ability to control fears and anxieties both on and off the court, their mental game of basketball strengthens which reflects on improved physical play as well. Any fear grows with intensity if left unchecked whether it stems from fear of missing a shot during […]

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